It was fun.
This game is really a pure fun game, based on a bit reaction and a lot of luck.
At the beginning, it was kinda challenging to earn enough money, ergo fly as far as possible.
I succeed and collected the "Worldsedge" medal, but still had to achieve the "golden shell" (buy everything) medal. So I leveled up everything to get the golden gun (which was missing) faster.
I noticed (later) that the "Worldsedge" medal isn't hard to achieve,
when you've bought the rocket and the tank (or the super canon).
Just shoot diagonally in the air, wait till you get the 800 and press the rocket.
That way you can lean back and easily reach over 200,000 ft without any efforts.
If you finally achieved the golden gun, the game suddenly becomes boring.
While I write this review, my turtle is still flying and already over1,000,000 ft.
Last time it reached 2,118,289 ft (without much attention).
Result: It's really fun at the beginning - but after you've achieved the bigger upgrades, it's just boring (but it was shortly entertaining to try the weapons though).
The graphics are sweet! The game runs very good on my PC (no lag) and the music is good too. The controls work without any issues.
Good work!